Writing is not just what I do, it’s who I am. I aim to write every day. Even if I’ve had a terrible day (and most days are pretty good), I find that if I write, at least I had that. I use my blog to write about what I’m writing about, what I’m reading.

In my other life, I’m a technical writer. I received my Bachelors in English, with a minor in French. Then, because I couldn’t bear to stop going to school I received a Master of Science in Linguistics and a Master of Arts in Technical Communication. My only regret is that I never seemed to remember that I wanted to study meteorology. Perhaps one day.

I live in Colorado, and have done since 1971, with the occasional migration to Tacoma, Washington and Oxford, England.

My favorite writerly quote is something along the lines of “…I hate writing, but there’s nothing more I’d rather do.” I would like to site the source, so you if you know, drop me a line.


This website is a self-hosted WordPress installation. I installed WordPress 3.1, then I purchased and installed Thesis Theme. And then, because I realized I was in over my head as far as changing code goes, I installed the Thesis-based Folio skin. I hope to learn more code as I go along.


This is my website and my blog and I am responsible for the contents within.